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Mabqi will be attending at the Convention BIO US 2024
Mabqi will be attending the Convention BIO US innovation organization from June 3rd to June 6th at #SanDiego, #California... Lire la suite
Mabqi contributed to the article « Antibody-mediated neutralization of galectin-3 as a strategy for the treatment of systemic sclerosis » published in the journal Nature Communications on August 31, 2023.
Mabqi is proud to have contributed to the article "Antibody-mediated neutralization of galectin-3 as a strategy for the treatment of systemic... Lire la suite
Mabqi moved!
More labs and office space for delivering outstanding antibodies in Montpellier! Our new address is: CAP SIGMA - ZAC Euromédecine II... Lire la suite
Mabqi will be attending at the Convention BIO Europe
Mabqi will be attending at the Convention BIO US from the 6th to the 8th November at Munich, Germany. Get... Lire la suite
Mabqi will be attending at the Convention BIO US
Mabqi will be attending at the Convention BIO US from the 5th to the 8th June at Boston, USA.Get... Lire la suite
Are you planning on attending #AIS2023?
Come and visit Mabqi during the 11th Antibody Industrial Symposium - June 22-23, 2023 in Tours (France).Get all the information and register... Lire la suite